Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Winds of Change are a blowin'

Fire of Liberty
As Akbar Ganji languishes on in his hunger strike against the mullahs of Iran, The New York Sun has continued to man the barricades surrounding this Outpost of Tyranny to get the Iranian dissident's story to the outside world. In fact, the fine New York daily has taken the extra step by noting that the Iranian people and the people of the world will only be secure in their liberties if the regime and its burgeoning nuclear program is placed in the dust-bin of history that the Nazis and Soviets have found their way into. To understand this devotion to the liberty of Ganji and his countrymen that runs rampant throughout The New York Sun, just take a look at their most recent editorial:
Some may see Mr. Ganji's case as unrelated to Tehran's drive to obtain nuclear weapons, but it is actually a good explanation of why that effort poses such a danger. Any state that ignores the cries of freedom fighters like Mr. Ganji, and oppresses its people, would have no qualms about firing nuclear weapons on others. Iran has a history of terrorizing others. It funds terrorist groups across the globe, such as Hamas and Hezbollah, which for the past 25 years have waged a campaign of terror against America and Israel.

Tehran announced this week that it plans to remove United Nations seals from its nuclear facilities and restart its nuclear program. The mullahs claim they're only building a civilian nuclear program - a laughable claim for a state with one of the world's largest oil and gas reserves, and lacking any credibility given their constant cat-and-mouse games with inspectors. And the terrorist-sponsoring theocracy is definitely not a state worthy of being given the benefit of the doubt.

But nothing has been done to stop the mullahs progressing toward the bomb. In November 2003 it was disclosed that Iran had been lying about its nuclear program for 18 years - and nothing was done in response. Since then more and more Iranian lies have been exposed - and still nothing has been done. The only people benefiting from this inaction are the mullahs as they steadily progress toward a bomb. At least some analysts are starting to wise up: The European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center recently published an analysis headlined "Takiya, the Art of Institutionalized Lying, Is Second Nature to the Rulers of Iran."

The best policy to stop the mullahs is regime change. This doesn't have to be done militarily. The road to Tehran can lie through the democratic opposition - if they're given the right support. As America has done successfully with other opposition movements, Iran's democrats can be given training, funds, and most important, encouragement. For example, improvements to opposition television and radio shows and newspapers can be financed. President Bush can record statements in Farsi stating America's support. The democratic revolutions in Ukraine, Georgia, and Lebanon have highlighted just how much democratic opponents of tyranny can achieve. They just need a helping hand.

I whole heartedly tip my hat to The New York Sun's stirring commentary and hope that the flames of freedom will someday burn in Tehran for the braves souls of Iran and champions of freedom like Akbar Ganji.

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