Thursday, August 18, 2005

A Special Calling

Fire of Liberty

Anne Morse has an great article over at National Review Online that shows a very different take on Casey Sheehan than what his mother and the media camped out in Crawford, Texas seem to forget. Morse reminds us that Casey Sheehan re-upped in the military and as a devout Catholic, he saw his career in the US Army as a calling from God. Casey Sheehan seems to have something in common with a considerable majority of the brave souls within our armed forces, which is they feel their contributions making a significant difference for their nation and the GWOT. If you want to find a more moving dedication to the loss of Casey Sheehan and his fellow "brothers in arms," then this is a good piece to read.

I'd like to add a few words about Cindy Sheehan and her continued vigil on the outskirts of President Bush's ranch. Now I will never know the pain that a mother must go through with the loss of a child but I'd have to say that this two week media bazaar has caused more harm to Cindy Sheehan than she knows. Every day the American public take note that Casey's mother continues to embrace politicos and activists like and Michael Moore, who are standing behind her to promote an agenda rather than out of a devotion to Casey. Sheehan's year long campaign and camping trip into the sweltering heat of Texas has actually damaged her family bond - which is a very important place to turn in such a time of grief - too the point that her husband filed for divorce and her children calling for her to come home where she's more than needed.

Instead of fighting this seemingly losing battle on the air waves throughout the month of August, Cindy Sheehan could find a more worthwhile area to pay tribute to her son. Now I know she is a radical in her opposition to the actions of our nation's military but she could devote her energy and her PR skills to help make the life of the various soldiers who have been seriously injured in Iraq and their families more comfortable or she can raise funds to make sure our troops have the much needed supplies and comforts in Iraq that we take for granted here in the states. It would be real nice if Mrs. Sheehan takes a deeper reflection on what Casey would have wanted rather than what mom wants. No matter how much invective she might spew out to the media or how much I might dislike what she says, I offer bid her peace and offer a big thank you for her son's sacrifice to this wonderful nation.

1 comment:

Lew Scannon said...

First off, I have a number for you to call: 1-800-872-2769. I twill direct you your local army recruiter, since you seem to think this is a just war, why don't you go and fight in it? There's a word for those who lack the temerity to fight for what they believe in and want for others to die for it.
Second, all Cindy Sheehan wants to know is why Bush lied to start the war. The were no weapons of mass destruction, there were no ties to alQaeda, no links to 9/11. Every excuse Bush told why weapons inspections and diplomacy had to end and bombing had to begin was a lie. All the patriots who support her want the answer as well.
Perhaps Bush has taken a page from Mein Kampf. In it, Hitler said "never admit a fault or wrong" which seems the like the policy of the Bush administration as well as it's supporters. Bush's supporters are also following the advice of Herman Goering who said "denounce the peacemakers as unpatriotic and exposing the country to danger."
When Bill Clinton sent the troops to Bosnia (going against the UN), he too used alie. I thought that the Bush administration was going to have more "integrity" than Clinton's, but it seems that all we get are the same old lies to send our troops to secure a weak country's natural resources (nickel ore in Bosnia, oil in Iraq) for the sole purpose of enriching a small percentage of the population that is busy dismantling the once great economic system that was America.